Thanksgiving Dress Giveaway

Clarisse short dress for Holidays

Clarisse short dress for Holidays

We are posting a New Giveaway for Thanksgiving! It is open WORLD WIDE therefore everybody is invited to participate. We will announce the winner on the Thanskgiving Day.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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23 Responses to Thanksgiving Dress Giveaway

  1. Holly Folkerts says:

    I need this dress for the holidays. I plan on going to several parties. Plus I’m newly single and need to shake up my look. Love your dresses. they are not just for prom and work well or pretty much any event.

  2. Christy myers says:

    This red dress is stunning.

  3. Jenny says:

    Love the color. Such a pretty shade of Red

  4. valentine says:

    I love red, red is my favourite colour! I hope that this dress will be mine!
    I love this glitter dots on the dress..
    I ever dreamed a red prom-dress!
    This is the best dress I ever saw in Promdress site!
    I fall in love with it!!! <3 <3
    I would wear it everytime I'll go out with my boyfriend..
    every time we met is a fantastic day, and a special occasion to wear it! 🙂
    *________* I really hope to win it, I never won a dress! <3
    Happy Thanskgiving Day <3

  5. Dorothy says:

    I love this dress! It is not just bueatiful but gorgeous ! My school is having our winterball and this would be perfect to wear!!!!!

  6. Helena says:

    This is a perfet dress, sexy and chich

  7. Skye Kumi says:


  8. Alessia says:

    Woooooooooooooooooow perfect dress to celebrate the new year!!! 🙂

  9. Alessia says:

    I have shared on fb and tweeted too ( AleFletcher on fb and AlessiaFletcher on Twitter )

  10. LAURA VALZY says:


  11. Sae Kurosawa says:


  12. Jessica says:

    This dress is just plain ADORABLE. It is perfect for the holidays but it will be great for so many other occasions too! It is the perfect amount of sparkle without being too over the top yet just enough to stand out. I love a great red dress and this is one great dress!

  13. Shadae says:

    I would love to have this dress it would be the best present ever

  14. lilia vega says:

    I Jus Love The Color & Design .. I Would LOVE To Win This Dress ! <3

  15. larry lee says:

    love to win

  16. Kathy says:

    This dress totally say HOLIDAY DRESS!

  17. jacky says:

    Wow beautiful just the dress any mother will buy for her daughter.I already saw my daughter in it nice colour very thing is about the dress is beautiful.

  18. Tianna Krafft says:

    I would be so pleased If I won this dress for many reasons. One reason is that I come from a small town in the middle of Indiana that has nothing fashionable to wear. I would love to be able to show off this dress. Also, I’ve never owned a red dress so It would be a fun, new article to have. Lastly, I would love this dress because it Is both fun and feisty and was designed to fit a body like mine!

  19. alysia says:

    this would be nice to wear on a date anytime in december or for valentine’s day also 🙂

  20. Sandy Farre;; says:

    I LOVE this dress. I am 62 in a 30 year old body & would wear this anywhere! I want it!!!!

  21. Adrienne says:

    Totally hoping to win this magnificient dress for my teenager!

  22. Christine says:

    Thank you for this awesome giveaway. I hope to win this dress to wear to my holiday extravaganza! Thank you!

  23. Amy Stewart says:

    This Clarisse short dress is perfect for the holidays. I would so rock it!

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