Welcome to the semi-annual Fashionista Events, ALL FASHION, ONLY FASHION, Giveaway Event. This is the Largest Fashion giveaway event on the internet, with 105+ blogs offering over $20,000 in prizes, hosted by Still Blonde after all these YEARS with co-hosts The Socialites Closet and Modly Chic
The Grand Prize for the Event is a $1200 (retail) Marc Jacobs bag via Bella Bag. For every giveaway in the Spring Fashionista Event that an entrant enters, they gain one entry toward the Marc Jacobs Bag
Promgirl.net is happy to announce that we are sponsored and are giving away a beautiful red dress. We have also sponsored other blogs and included dresses for them to give away under terrislittlehaven.com and Cute-Ecakes.com.
Still Blonde after all these YEARS , Spring Fashionista Giveaway Events or the Spring Fashionista Giveaway Event bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes.
These prom dresses are gorgeous. They are so much better than the taffeta and tulle ones we wore in the 80’s!!!
Gorgeous dress – thanks for holding this giveaway!